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Thursday, 18 November 2010

Chinese Idioms for Children

I have been searching Chinese idioms story books which suitable for my 7 years old. Many are too difficult for her to understand, I tried to read a few idioms books to her, but she couldn't understand most of the Chinese characters on the books and just couldn't bring up her interest. Two months ago, I received a set of Chinese Idioms books by Better Chinese, the books are for beginners to intermediate level. The sentences used in the books are very simple and easy to understand. There is also summary of story in English, vocaburary table and some questions and answer in the book.
I read 对牛弹琴 (playing instrument to an Ox) to my daughter in Mandarin, she laughed her head off as she understand the whole story, and she even able to translate into English. Very impressive. The next day, she becomes very adventurous, keen to read another idiom by herself without my help. I let her try 井底之蛙 (Frog in the well), she was able to read 90% of the characters. She has learned 6 idioms so far and have fun using some idioms in certain occasions, (although sometimes not very appropriate) in a funny way.
There are plenty of good Chinese books around these days, and not difficult to buy. Personally I feel that to find books that "tailor-made" for each individual need, you really need time and effort to search around.
If your child is around age 7-10 years old, capable of reading most of the books in "My First Chinese Words" by Better Chinese /learn Mandarin for at least 2 years/can recognise 100 Chinese characters and above/needs more challenging reading books, I would highly recommend this Chinese Idioms books.
A summary pictures of the books as below.
Stories of Chinese Idioms about Abilities (Beginners/Intermediate)  £11.00
Stories of Chinese Idioms about Aminals (Beginners/Intermediate)  £11.00

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